Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hello East Coast.

I feel like some people here in my office are afraid of human interaction. So imagine this you are walking down the hall and someone will see you approaching and will make eye contact with you and then they instantly dart their eyes to the floor and act like they never even saw you. What is wrong with people? They are not going to melt and die if they give a kind hello or ask how you are doing or even a simple smile would suffice. Its actually super creepy to tell you the truth.

What makes this even more awkward is the fact that in these situations I still say hi, it either catches them offguard or they completely ignore the fact that I exist. For a moment I get this weird, embarrassed feeling inside because they have no response but it actually is pretty funny now that I'm thinking about it.

If you are reading this and it sounds like you or someone you know...then I encourage you to say hello next time you see someone in the hall. I promise nothing bad will happen.